State-of-the-art Gym Equipment

My Fit Pod contains nothing but top of the range gym equipment, whether you’re visiting our private gym in Berkhamsted or private gym in Aylesbury. Here we’ll give you a complete rundown of everything you can expect to see when you visit My Fit Pod. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, you’ll be able to plan your workout ahead of time.

 Don’t forget to download the app if you’re looking to book your first gym session!

My Fit Pod Equipment

  • Peloton Cycle

  • Peloton Treadmill

  • Power Rack

  • Dual Cable Machine

  • Weight Stack

  • Leg Extension / Leg Curl

  • Olympic Bar

  • Fit Bench

  • Dumbbells

  • Kettlebells

  • Yoga Mat

  • Plyo Box

  • Glute Bands

  • Power Bands

  • Private Bathroom

Peloton Cycle

The Peloton Cycle has become synonymous with fitness since 2020, so of course we kit out every My Fit Pod with one! Indoor cycling is a great way to improve your cardio and lose weight, and Peloton makes it super easy. Stream your favourite films, TV shows, and even live sports with Peloton Entertainment. You won’t notice the time pass and you’ll be getting healthier!

The Peloton Cycle also comes with built-in classes and challenges. For us, this is the perfect combination. A private gym with a virtual instructor, so you’ll be motivated without feeling self-conscious. You’re also able to manually control the resistance level, monitor your heart-rate as you cycle, and track your progress as you cycle!

Peloton Treadmill

Only the best equipment is allowed at My Fit Pod. That’s why we install a Peloton treadmill into every one of our gyms. Designed to work with any level of gym-goer, the Peloton treadmill comes with the same fantastic entertainment options as the cycle. Catch up on your favourite TV show. Watch a movie. Tune in to live sports. All while walking or running on the treadmill. In the comfort of My Fit Pod.

The Peloton treadmill offers a range of classes and motivational tools to help you get the most out of your workout. There’s adjustable speed, incline, and a whole range of real-life scenery. Fancy running along Big Sur or Hawaii? You can do it from the comfort of Aylesbury and Berkhamsted, with more to come!

Power Rack

Also known as a power cage, experienced gym goers will be highly familiar with a Power Rack. For those who aren’t, it’s essentially a set of metal bars that help with weight training. Squats, bench presses, and deadlifts with barbells – that’s what a power rack is for. Every My Fit Pod comes with a top quality power rack as standard.

A power rack is essential for solo workouts. Not just to help you get stronger, but for safety as well. Power racks replace a traditional spotter with pin pipes and strap safeties, catching the barbell if you slip or fall.

It’s important for safety to follow these steps:

  1. Adjust the position of the J-Pegs to suit you. Just below shoulder level is ideal

  2. Set your pin safeties. Approximately two inches below your bottom squat.

  3. Load your barbell.

  4. Make sure you’ve stepped directly under the barbell. Look down and set your feet correctly.

  5. When you’re finished, walk back to the J-Pegs and walk directly into them without leaning.

If you need more information on the power rack please send us an email and we’ll be glad to help.

Dual Cable Machine

Sometimes referred to (quite dramatically) as THE ULTIMATE EXERCISE MACHINE. The Dual Cable Machine offers a whole range of exercise options within just one piece of kit. And, as you’d expect, every My Fit Pod has one! It’s a cable machine that helps you exercise your legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and core, all in one machine.

It’s sometimes called a Functional Trainer because it helps you work on things you do during your daily functions. Enhancing your overall strength rather than focusing on a specific group of muscles. Lifting, bending, pushing and pulling. The dual cable machine is great for all of these exercises.

The holistic approach offered by a functional trainer makes it an important piece of the My Fit Pod equipment list.

Weight Stack

If you’re looking to increase a particular set (or sets) of muscles, this is the machine for you. They’re easy to learn for beginners and essential equipment for seasoned gym veterans. And, as with most equipment in My Fit Pod, they remove your need for a spotter.

Simply adjust the weight to your level of ability, choose your type of lift, and away you go. Unlike our free weights there’s far less risk of hyper-extension or other injuries. Plus, for beginners, the weight stack features diagrams and easy-to-follow guides for stretching.

Leg Extension / Leg Curl Machine

Focused on training your quadriceps or hamstrings? This is the machine for you! Our dual leg extension offers safe and simple leg training for all levels of ability. Everything is fully adjustable to your size and ability, so you can comfortably workout to your tastes.

My Fit Pod is focused on giving you a full gym experience, and this machine is one of the absolute staples. Remembering leg day is always super important!

Olympic Bar

Stronger, heavier, and thicker than a standard barbell, only the best equipment will do at My Fit Pod! With a far higher weight rating than a standard barbell, the Olympic bar allows for much heavier lifting than standard. Crucially, it also features a rotating sleeve aid. This reduces the strain on your wrists and shoulders when lifting. Perfect for powerlifting.

If you’ve not used an Olympic bar before, please be aware that it is naturally heavier than a standard barbell. This may not seem like a big deal, but in fact it means you’ll be lifting more than ‘just’ the weight you’re used to. If in doubt, start slightly lighter until you’re used to the extra weight of the bar.

Fit Bench

Our fit bench is usually used in conjunction with weights. Perfectly padded and with a high weight capacity, the fit bench is exactly what it sounds like. A bench that helps you keep fit!


A staple of gyms and home-gyms alike, dumbbells help you target and grow a huge variety of muscles with free weights. Perfect for building strength, there are few feelings more satisfying than graduating up to a heavier set! They’re also great for improving your stability, endurance, and balance.

There are a wide range of exercises that can be completed with dumbbells. Dumbbell squats, bicep curls, shoulder press, chest press, lunges, deadlifts… the list goes on! Ideal for beginners and experienced gym-goers alike, make sure you’re selecting the right weight for you.

Strength training: heavy enough that you struggle to do more than 6 repetitions.

Muscle building: between 8 – 12 repetitions is ideal.

Muscle endurance: between 15 – 20 repetitions.


Similar to dumbbells but with a greater focus on natural motion. Kettlebells enable you to work on an astonishing variety of possible exercises. Whether you’re swinging with one hand or two, holding tight or releasing and catching, you’ll be enhancing your strength and flexibility all at once.

Perfect for endurance training, fast workouts and power development, every My Fit Pod comes with a complete set of kettlebells. You’ll find they’re fantastic for losing weight, gaining muscle, and get your heart rate going.

Yoga Mat

Whether you’re using it for warm-up and cool-down stretches or a complete yoga session, there’s a lot to be said for using yoga as part of your fitness regime. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that can help your mind and your body in equal measure. Originating in India, it’s now become widespread across the modern world. Here at My Fit Pod we encourage using yoga in your workout schedule. And if you’ve never tried it, there’s no better time to start than now!

Plyo Box

Work out on your plyometric exercises in Aylesbury, Berkhamsted, and more locations across the country. Every My Fit Pod includes a plyo box. This type of explosive exercise is designed to produce rapid, powerful movements. Improving your muscle elasticity, speed, agility, and explosive power. Start out using your bodyweight only, then progress to include weights if you want to really push yourself.

Glute Bands

Glute bands are specifically short resistance bands, aimed at activating your glute muscles when worn on your ankles, knees, and thighs. Often referred to as ‘booty bands’, it’s fairly self-explanatory which muscles they focus on!

Power Bands

Another highly versatile piece of exercise equipment. Every My Fit Pod contains power bands. These rubber bands are perfect for resistance training without putting major stress on your joints. With a variety of different intensities available, these are ideal for a simple but effective workout whatever your fitness level. You’ll also be helping your stability and co-ordination as power bands require a high level of control and concentration.

Private Bathroom

Finally, one of the most important areas at My Fit Pod! Every single pod comes with your own private bathroom for changing and that all-important post-workout shower. So you’re ready to head straight to work, home, or out for the evening after a full-on workout.