My Fit Pod: FAQs

My Fit Pod Specific FAQs

  • Remember to bring your phone. You’ll need the app to gain access to My Fit Pod. Wear clean trainers and appropriate gym clothing. Avoid jeans, heels, and work shoes. Water is provided but it’s a good idea to bring your own bottle. And if you intend on using the shower facilities remember your wash bag and towel.

  • Yes! You can bring your child to the gym with My Fit Pod. However, it’s essential to have a signed waiver before your visit. You can obtain this by asking for a waiver here. Failure to do so could result in your liability if any incidents occur during your visit.

  • Yes indeed. This option is exclusively available through our Subscribe-and-Save membership. This gives you access to other perks too, including credits that are valid for solo visits, train with a friend, and team sessions. Enjoy substantial savings on your bookings with subscribe and save!

  • It’s super simple – as long as you’ve purchased the correct credits, and your friend is also registered with My Fit Pod, just turn up together and workout! My Fit Pod is a workout space and a social space.

  • You must register with us as a Personal Trainer first. This is essential for insurance purposes, and non-compliance may leave us no choice but to fine you. Registered Personal Trainers can bring their clients to My Fit Pod for session, AND access exclusive benefits. Marketing opportunities, booking privileges and more. We’ll be delighted to help you take your business to the next level – get in touch!

  • All cancellations must be completed on your app. Open the ‘Scheduled Sessions’ tab and cancel the required session.

    All sessions have a cancellation period of up to 3 hours before you’re due to attend My Fit Pod. As long as you cancel prior to this window there are no problems. Cancelling within 3 hours of arrival will mean you lose your booking credit.

    If we have to cancel your session we will endeavour to let you know as early as possible by email and process any cancellation refunds as necessary.

  • To use My Fit Pod alone you must be over-18. Under-18s are permitted if accompanied by an adult and having completed a form. You can request the form by emailing My Fit Pod.

General Gym FAQs

  • First off, remember it’s natural to make mistakes at the beginning of your journey as a gym newbie. In general you should try and avoid the below. For help with your workouts feel free to drop My Fit Pod an email and we’ll do our best to assist you.

    • Mising warm-up or cool-down

    • Following the exact same workout every day

    • Ignoring your breathing

    • Not taking care to learn proper form

    • Ignoring the importance of hydration

    • Trying to jump ahead of your fitness level

    • Impatience

  • If you hate the gym because it’s crowded then don’t fear! My Fit Pod is your own personal private gym. If you’re just not a fan we’d recommend making use of our Peloton cycle and treadmill. Get your cardio in while watching your favourite TV show, a movie, or even live sport. It’s also worth looking at yoga as an alternative method of keeping fit and healthy.

  • It greatly depends on where you are and what you’re looking for. Between £30-£60 per session is roughly standard for the UK. However, if you’re near to London this can rise to between £50 and even £150 per session. Again, it depends on the experience of the trainer and the level of hands-on support you require. The more experience, sessions, and interaction you want, the more you’ll have to pay.

  • Between 48-72 hours, but that comes with a ‘but’. It’s important to rest the muscles you’ve worked out for that long, especially at the beginning. But that doesn’t mean taking 3 whole days off if you’re working out a different group of muscles.

    As a general rule, listen to your body. Some aching is good. Too much aching may mean you’ve gone too hard too soon.

  • Yes! The shows and films on offer may vary depending on Peloton, but our cycle and treadmill both offer streaming and TV. And, if you’re after a more peaceful workout, you can browse Peloton’s options of scenic runs and cycles from all over the world.

  • Self-consciousness, sometimes called Gymtimidation, is perfectly natural. It’s a potentially new environment. If you’re a beginner you’re surrounded by more experienced gym-goers. You might also be afraid of making etiquette mistakes. There are lots of reasons. Fortunately, My Fit Pod deals with most of them. Our private gyms are bookable just for you, so there’s no need to worry about others.

  • It really depends on your goal. If you’re looking to gain strength, do your weights first. Cardio can tire you out, which will lead to you lifting less. If your goal is endurance, start with cardio and then push yourself on the weights after. For burning fat and losing weight it’s best to start with weights and then move on to cardio.

  • Yes! If you’re a beginner they’ll be plenty, but even for a seasoned gym pro they’re still beneficial. You’ll also experience better toning if you do more reps with a lighter weight. It’s normal to start around the 5kg mark before improving your strength and endurance.

  • Yes, it’s definitely enough. Allowing for 5-10 minutes of warm up, 40-45 minutes of workout, and 5-10 minutes to cool down. If you’re looking to seriously gain then you may wish to visit more than once per day. But overall, an hour is perfect. Especially if you’re a beginner.

  • It’s okay, however there are pros and cons to both ways. There is some scientific evidence to suggest that working out on an empty stomach will burn more fat. However, you’ll also have less starting energy, so if your aim is to develop muscle you’ll be hindering yourself. You’ll also have less protein, which is crucial for repairing and increasing muscle mass.

  • There isn’t one. Your goals will be different from other gym-goers. It’s important to find the workout that suits you and your specific goals. That being said, some people have suggested the following as a great all-round workout routine:

    • Dumbbell front squats

    • Dumbbell shoulder press

    • Barbell bent over rows

    • Dumbbell split squats

    • Dumbbell chest presses on Swiss ball

    • Wide-grip pull-ups

    • Dumbbell step-ups

    • Medicine Ball floor slams

    • Barbell hip thrusts

    • Decline pushups

  • If you’re exercising regularly and eating right, you’ll start to notice the difference after 6-8 weeks. Within 3-4 months you can overhaul your fitness level completely. After that you’ll continue to notice improvements as long as you keep to your regime, and increase intensity / load as you get fitter.